Simple Spiritual Ceremonies to help Kids Celebrate Thanksgiving

Simple Ceremonies with A Soul-full World By Ahriana Platten

Whether it’s your kids, your grandkids, the neighbor kids or a friends kids, you can contribute to their lives in simple and meaningful ways.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to come together with family and friends, express gratitude for the blessings in our lives, and enjoy delicious feasts. While the holiday often revolves around turkey, stuffing, and football, it's also an opportunity to introduce children to the spiritual side of gratitude and appreciation. Here are a few simple and fun spiritual ceremonies that kids can participate in to celebrate Thanksgiving in a more mindful way.

Gratitude Tree:

One creative and engaging way to teach kids about gratitude is by creating a gratitude tree. Gather some fallen branches, place them in a vase, and provide colorful paper leaves and markers. Encourage children to write down things they are thankful for on the paper leaves and attach them to the branches. As the tree fills up, you'll have a beautiful visual representation of gratitude that can serve as a centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table.

Thankful Journal:

Help your children start a "Thankful Journal" by providing them with a notebook or some sheets of paper. Encourage them to write or draw one thing they are thankful for each day leading up to Thanksgiving. This simple practice can help kids develop a daily habit of gratitude and reflection. You can even make it a family tradition to share and discuss entries at the Thanksgiving dinner table.


Gratitude Stones:

Gather smooth stones from your backyard or a nearby park and have your kids decorate them with words or symbols representing things they're grateful for. These "gratitude stones" can be kept in a special jar or basket. During your Thanksgiving ceremony, have each family member take turns picking a stone and sharing what they are thankful for. It's a tactile and interactive way to express gratitude.

Mindful Moments:

Incorporate a moment of mindfulness into your Thanksgiving celebration. Encourage everyone to sit quietly for a few minutes, close their eyes, and take deep breaths. You can play soft, soothing music in the background and guide your children in focusing on the present moment, feeling grateful for the people and experiences in their lives.

Thankful Crafts:

Engage your kids in fun and creative Thanksgiving crafts that also carry a spiritual message. For example, you can make "gratitude garlands" by stringing together paper leaves with thankful messages, or create "blessing bags" filled with notes of appreciation and small treats to give to friends and neighbors.

Giving Back:

Teach children the importance of giving back by involving them in a charitable activity. Whether it's volunteering at a local food bank, collecting donations for a charity, or making care packages for the less fortunate, showing kindness and generosity is a meaningful way to celebrate Thanksgiving's spiritual side.

Its More than a Feast

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to teach children the importance of gratitude, mindfulness, and giving. By incorporating these simple spiritual ceremonies into your Thanksgiving celebration, you can help kids connect with the deeper meaning of the holiday while having fun and creating lasting memories. So, gather your family and friends, get creative, and let the spirit of gratitude shine bright this Thanksgiving!

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