Practical Wisdom: A Soul-full Transition from Winter's Embrace

Spring is just days away from officially arriving. How did winter go so fast? I love winter! It wraps us in a cocoon of reflection, inviting us to ponder our inner worlds while we bask in the glow of a fire or settle into the quiet of a snowfall.
But despite its gifts, winter like every other season, must give way to what is next and here we find ourselves at the threshold of spring—a time when the earth awakens from its slumber, urging our spirits to stir with renewed purpose and vitality. How do we spiritually transition from the cozy introspection of winter to the vibrant aliveness of spring? Let’s look back before we move forward:
Winter's Quiet Gift: A Time for Inner Harvest
In the quiet of winter, we are given the gift of time—to reflect on our paths, to delve deep into the soil of our souls, and to nurture the seeds of our deepest intentions. This season of stillness is not merely about hibernation but about preparing ourselves internally for the growth that comes with the next cycle. It’s a sacred period of gestation, where our dreams and aspirations are crystallized, ready to be birthed into the light of spring.
What have you been dreaming of during the winter period of rest, reflection and rejuvenation? Before Spring arrives, take a little time to review the dreams that have come to you in the dark of winter.
Spring's Call: How to Awaken Your Dreams
As the earth begins to thaw and the first green shoots push through the soil, we too feel a natural inclination towards rebirth. Spring beckons us to open the windows of our souls to the fresh air of new possibilities. It is a season that celebrates the blossoming of life, both around us and within us, inviting us to step into the flow of renewal and to embrace the vibrant energy of beginnings.
A Ceremony of Transition: From Reflection to Quickening
To honor this sacred transition, let us create a ceremony that bridges the reflective depth of winter with the expansive brightness of spring. This ritual is an invitation to release the old and welcome the new with intention and grace.
Sacred Space: Find a quiet place where you can be undisturbed. You may choose to create an altar with symbols of winter (a stone, a piece of wood) and spring (a flower, a seed). Light a candle to represent the returning light of spring.
Winter Release: Reflect on the dreams and insights gained during the winter months. Write them down in your journal if you like. Take time to notice how these dreams make you feel. Which ones seem to have “a life of their own?” Which dreams do you feel in your heart and which dreams appeal to your mind?
Spring Intentions: On a new piece of paper, write down your intentions for the spring season, incorporating the dreams that feel most important to you. Don’t worry about why they feel important. This is an exercise in desire rather than reason. What do you wish to grow in your life? What dreams do you want to nurture? Place this new piece of paper on your home altar or somewhere you will see it daily.
Planting Seeds: Symbolically plant a seed or a small plant as a physical manifestation of your intentions. As you tend to it in the coming months, let it remind you of your own growth and the blossoming of your dreams.
Gratitude and Opening: Close your ceremony with a moment of gratitude for the cycle of the seasons, for the wisdom of winter, and for the promise of spring. Open your heart to the new beginnings and the fresh energy that this season brings.
Embracing the Dance of Seasons
The journey from winter to spring is a beautiful reminder of life's perpetual dance of shedding and blossoming. By engaging in a ceremony of transition, we align ourselves more deeply with the rhythms of the natural world, recognizing our part in this ever-moving spiral of renewal. May our spirits be awakened, our purposes be clear, and our hearts open to the boundless possibilities that await.
I’ll close with this lovely quote from the Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett:
‘Is the spring coming?’ he said. ‘What is it like?’…’It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…’
Happy Spring, dear friends!